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A b o u t

A bit about me.....

Having attended Living History Events for many years in authentic period clothing and being a sci fi geek with a passion for Battlestar Galactica, when one day one of my friends said 'do you know, you really do look like that cylon six', I decided to combine both hobbies, and started costuming for charity as cylon six......


I am the sameheight as the original cylon six 5ft 10" in bare feet and about 6ft 2" in the costume shoes.  I have tried to create costumes with the most accurate detail possible down to seams, material type, shoe make and accessories. 


I troop with a couple of UK groups for charity and independently at smaller shows along with other BSG character colleagues, having founded the BSGUK Fan & Costuming Club which can be found here:


This website contains some event pictures along with costume builds: useful for any other budding cylons...remember, there are many copies.......and they have a plan.


If you would like to request an appearance at your show please get in touch via the contact tab above.


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